New Frontier Features Top Three Schools in First Education Series

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New Frontiers is a cutting edge real-life television series featuring insightful and meaningful updates on the most important advances in medicine, business, finance, technology, agriculture, and education. The compelling programs travel beyond the US boundaries to interview and gain perspective from top professionals in different industries across the globe. The docuseries from Planet TV Studios is aimed at educating and objectively informing the global population as issues covered in each episode is relevant in real-life applications. Planet TV Studios have set themselves out by investing in start-ups specializing in big data, marketing, machine learning, and e-commerce advertising technologies.

Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

The education series explores educational opportunities across the globe. Videos of the education category were initially available on cable TV and short videos released on on-demand platforms including Amazon, Vimeo, Roku, and iTunes. Education has become a critical issue in modern life with the increasing demand of the education sector matching up the curriculum to meet global needs. The Orme School, The Graces Memorial High School, and St. Thomas More are leading education institutions to dedicate to meeting the global demand of skills, disposition, and skills needed in the global arena.

Each video features a short informative narration covering the basic facts of the interview and discussions. The show is hosted by renowned actor, author, and comedian, William Shatner. William was born in 1931 in Côte Saint-Luc, Montreal, Canada and gained fame as a cultural icon in the science fiction television series Star Trex (1996-1999) as the captain of the United Federation of Planets Starship Enterprise. William has starred in various television documentaries and films for which he has won several Emmy Awards and Golden Global Award.  His rich background in the television industry having hosted other shows like Know Your Body makes him ideal in hosting the show tackling real-life problems facing the global audience.  Currently, William lives in Los Angeles with his wife and their dogs.

St. Thomas More

St. Thomas More Catholic High school was established in 1982 in Lafayette, Louisiana. The unique history and special curriculum in Louisiana make the school a newsworthy and interesting story for the global audience. New Frontier explores the highlights of St. Thomas More and offers insight to parents considering sending their children to the school. 

St. Thomas is a premier 21st-century catholic school offering a rigorous education curriculum that prepares students to become global leaders and think tanks of the 21st century. The school has a student instructor ration of 12:1 with 40% of the faculty holding graduate degrees. Through their study programs, the institution is dedicated to providing students with the skills required to succeed in an increasingly competitive global society. Each student has an opportunity to pursue their academic potentials and interests through innovative courses in engineering, Media Arts Advanced Theatre, and Digital Graphics. In addition, Religion is offered as a mandatory course tailored to helping students in attaining spiritual development. In a world where religion has become a liberal field, it is inspiring to have schools that uphold the moral teachings in religions.

St. Thomas is the only school with a full 1:1 tablet PC program in the entire Acadania area. Every student and their instructors are using the Fujitsu Lifebook T93 tablet convertible notebook that allows for seamless integration of technology in all subject matters. With these capabilities, the school has managed to digitize all courses in its curriculum. Through the 1”1 program, teachers act as guides for the students and allow the students to take ownership of their own learning. These developments led the school to feature in the premiere episode of New Frontier as it provides insight on how the education system in the globe can be transformed into an all-inclusive learning program. Modern developments change education from the conventional system that relied on books and teachers. Should other schools in the globe adopt similar strategies as St. Thomas, the global education system would be integrated into one system that nurtures students through academics, leadership opportunities, spiritual formation, and extracurricular activities.

The Orme School

The Orme School is a cutting edge institution that has inspired countries in the global sphere to change their education systems by transforming their curriculum. Established on a ranch in Mayer, Arizona in 1929, the community of Orme boasts a student-instructor ratio of 3:11 with 60% of the faculty holding graduate degrees. Unlike in most institutions that follow the conventional curriculum, the Orme School has developed a curriculum designed to explore hidden potential, inspire personal and team accountability and inspire resourcefulness.

Following its rich curriculum, academic excellence at the school has led to a 100%-4 year college acceptance rate. The classroom at Orme extends beyond the class setting to outdoor sports and advanced agricultural activities. Students can participate in the full sustainable agricultural cycle of planting to harvesting and preparing foods grown on the school farm stretching over 300 acres. Parents wishing to send their children to an overnight school can consider the Orme Scholl since it is affordable and boasts good performance.

The Garces Memorial School

The Garce Memorial School is a fully accredited learning institution by the Western Association of Scholls and the Western Catholic Education Association. The institution was founded in 1947 by the Christian brothers and Dominican Sisters of St, Aquinas and managed by the Diocese of Frensco.  Nestled in the southern area of San Joaquin Valley, Garces Memorial offers college preparatory courses and athletics. The Garces offers a unique support environment for students by partnering closely with parents, coaches, mentors, and the faculty. The high moral and spiritual standards promoted by the school provide a conducive environment for students to cultivate social, intellectual, and spiritual confidence. In an era where social morals seem to have lost their status, Garces Memorials works to restore these morals which are ideal for most of the world industries.

The athletic program offered in the schools aims at helping students develop a hobby in athletics. The program is ranked fourth in the CIF Central Section with an impressive 121 section team championship wins. In 2016, the school reported an impressive 99% admission of students into institutions of higher learning including community colleges, universities, and the US Military. Garces Memorial gas proved that the education system is the only platform that can be used to shape the mind-set of today’s generation from an early stage. By teaching students to accomplish intellectual, spiritual, and hobby development, they are preparing the generation for independence and innovation at the global level in the future.

New Frontier Distribution

To remain competitive with their informational docuseries, the TV studio has expanded its reach beyond National cable TV using a combination of traditional broadcasting technology, internet technology, and private distribution. The multiple media approach allows the studios to reach a wider number of people within their target audience. The multi-media approach helps in reaching the specific target audience with the highest possible levels of convenience.

  • National Cable TV and Broadcast: since its inception, Planet TV has relied on the broadcast industry to distribute their content. With the investment in networks that embrace social-economic development, the sponsored education program is made available on local, regional, and national networks for over 80 million households.
  • International distribution: The studio’s television series broadcasts to 200 cities in 127 countries with a daily viewership of 115 million households.
  • Internet distribution: through advanced technologies videos are placed at accessible junctions on the internet where like-minded people converge. The education series of New Frontiers, for instance, will be placed in various locations on the internet such as websites, YouTube, and mobile applications targeting a specific audience. This strategy helps in narrowing down the market niche for the targeted audience.

With the launch of Planet TV Studios on one of the world’s most popular and easily accessible platforms, iTunes, you will be able to watch the latest episodes of New Frontiers at your earliest convenience. In addition to On-Demand platform, Smart Delivery Apps including Roku, fans will have a wider platform to access the latest informational series episodes through subscriptions. Already, there are over 10,000 subscribers.

Planet TV Studios is also expanding its reach on other on-demand TV on apps such as Amino, Skyworth Hulu, Red Box, and AMC Premiere. You will now be able to watch the one-hour education episodes over a wider range of platforms as a way of inspiring you to join the global revolution is changing the education system through real-life examples of leading institutions that have already embarked on the mission.

How to Feature on New Frontiers Series

Planet TV Studios has committed to bringing the inspirational real-life education stories to your stories. As the leading content creation company in films, documentaries, music, commercials, and docudramas, you can partner with them to feature on the world’s leading inspirational series. Should you have an inspirational story in one of the categories that you would want to be featured on the series, contact Planet TV Studios and book your appointment. You will go through an interview to determine if you are an ideal candidate for the show.


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