The National Association of Music Merchants [NAMM] 2021 show is happening all week. Register and review all the upcoming products, instruments, sound, lighting, recording technology, career in music summit, concert performances from all over the world, and much more. NAMM: Believe In Music Week is currently open and registration is FREE for all; also available on the official mobile APP: Believe In Music Week.

The National Association of Music Merchants [NAMM] has conducted their yearly show at the Anaheim Convention Center since 1978 attracting over 115,000 attendees from 130 countries each year. The NAMM event brings an essence of camaraderie and family reunion atmosphere for all who regularly attend the show. Though the in-person experience may be sorely missed this year, the virtual opportunity to connect has been a brilliant alternative.
From the comforts of home everyone has the opportunity to join the magical world of the NAMM industry event, and be a part of what most have only dreamed of doing. The events are so numerous that it is impossible to see everything that may peak ones interest, and even though the show begins on Monday and ends on Friday it always leaves one wanting more.
Some big celebrity interviews during the week event are: Iconic country artist Garth Brooks and Rocker Melissa Etheridge ; also connect with 1000+ brands such as Gibson, Korg, Shure, and many more; as well as be a part of many fun events such as the ESTA’s Brewery Crawl for Behind the Scenes. All events are on the schedule so register today at Believe In Music Week.

One company presenting on Tuesday 19th is called: We Play Well Together, and Joule L’Adara will be live presenting: The Feeltone experience with Monochords. The instruments range from feeltone, Hokema Kalimbas to Metal Sounds, Koshi Chimes; the photo with Joule L/Adara represents the Monochords. After her presentation she will continue to be available throughout NAMM week.

Additionally, the artists Kiriakos who is a solo session guitarist from Greece, and was chosen out of 861 participants as the winner of the Andy James guitar contest in 2014. In 2019 he released a solo EP featuring Jason Becker’s drummer Atma Anur, and is currently preparing to announce the release of his new EP and disclose special guest musicians featured on the EP; one guest being Blind Guardian’s Marcus Siepen. Kiriakos’s music videos are on Youtube.

Not only does NAMM celebrate all the industries best artists, products, events, and more the organization is very supportive of the up and coming artists as well. During NAMM week music history and theory is presented as well as support and funding for music education in schools. During NAMM’s Believe In Music Week there are sessions for: music educators such as Teaching Music During Covid-19; Live Streaming Your Music Class; and Inclusivity and Diversity in the Music Education Classroom.
Log-on now to register for the NAMM: Believe in Music Week and experience an extraordinary event that most have wanted to attend their whole lives. Register at: Believe in Music Week; or download the APP at: Believe in Music Week.

Thank you to The National Association of Music Merchants organization for being so innovative and flexible to be open to give such an incredible experience to the world.
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