SAN FRANCISCO, CA – Smuin Contemporary Ballet announced recently their plan to offer video streaming of classic performances- free of charge. Beginning April 15, these mid-week delights will be offered as their “Hump Day” Ballets series with the hope of brightening spirits during this time of coronavirus Shelter-in-Place.
The first week’s classic offering is Val Caniparoli’s Tutto Eccetto il Lavandino (“Everything But the Kitchen Sink”). This presentation will also feature an introduction by dancer Rex Wheeler. Wheeler appears in this work which originally was produced years earlier in honor of the Smuin’s 20th anniversary.
Caniparoli, calling San Francisco Ballet his artistic “home” for some forty years, has contributed work to over 45 different companies around the globe. Called “joyous” and “ingeniously crafted” by The Mercury News, Tutto Eccetto il Lavandino is a marriage of the music of Antonio Vivaldi and a sampling of Caniparoli’s trademark eclectic choreography: social dance, modern dance, ethnic dance, and “even ice skating,” as producers describe it.

Smuin’s “Hump Day” Series serves to uplift during this time in our world as well as keep the company connected. The shows will feature a different performance each week with an introduction by a key individual. These shows are sure to delight, however one need catch them quickly as they will only be available to access for 48 hours.
Sign up for more information at smuinballet.org or go to Smuin’s Facebook page facebook.com/SmuinBallet.
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