Baketivity – Having Fun in the Kitchen

Photo courtesy of Baketivity
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I am sure you have all seen them. Subscription boxes that cater to an abundance of interests in adults and children. I’ve subscribed to a few myself. I’m not going to lie, I do get excited like the package is a gift wondering what is inside of my book subscription box, what wine was chosen specifically for me, and what outfits a stylist picked out based on my inspiration boards. To sample Baketivity was something I was looking forward to with my niece. In a time of social distancing and looking for projects to beat the ever so popular phase “I’m bored” , I thought it would make for a fun afternoon.

Photo courtesy of Baketivity.

Have you heard of Baketivity? This subscription sends yummy baking kits with colorful, kid-friendly recipe instructions, ready-to-go ingredients, and educational activity booklets right to your door. While not a parent, in my many years of caring for children and spending time with my nieces, baking with them is one of my favorite activities. Can it get messy? Yes, I would count on it. Will the end result be like the photo on the recipe? No. Will it be a delicious and fun end result? Yes. Some of the benefits of a baking with children as noted by Baketivity include:

🍪enhancing hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills
🍪improving math and reading skills
🍪introducing them to scientific concepts (baking is basically chemistry, right?)
🍪encouraging meaningful family time away from work, school, and screen

I would like to also add, having a yummy treat to enjoy at the end!

Photo courtesy of Baketivity.

My niece was excited to have mail to open and “ahhed” as soon as she saw the first items in our Bake to School kit, the baker’s hat and apron. A great inclusion. Who wouldn’t want to feel like a true baker? Out came the dry ingredients in vacuumed packages, a back to school activity booklet and the recipe for Pencil Biscottis. While you do need to have the wet ingredients, they were staple items in our pantry and refrigerator for this particular box. My niece insisted on following the recipe, opening the packages and mixing everything on her own. I thought it was fantastic for her to feel that she was baking something for all of us at home to enjoy with minimal help on my part.

Niece getting ready to bake. Photo: M. Navarro

The final touch before they went into the oven to bake was to add sprinkles which is one of her favorite add-ons while decorating. Once the “pencils” cooled, we sat down to try it. My niece said that they were cute and were so good. It was a fun afternoon spent with my niece. If you are looking for something to do with kids, give this subscription box a try. Our final verdict is a thumbs up from my niece as she enjoyed the results of her pouring and mixing of ingredients. As a grown-up, I thought it was great to have the kit contents aligned and even help in making the transition in back-to-school season. Everything was easy to follow and enjoyable for little hands.

Want to try it ? Try the Baketivity monthly plan for $32.95/month; three month plan for $30.95/month; six month plan for $29.17/month; yearly plan for $25.95/month. One-time kits are also available for purchase here.

Ready to taste! Photo: M. Navarro


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