In the heart of Hollywood, where all the movie magic began, at the well known cross streets of Hollywood and Vine, sits the stunning Avalon Theater. Since 1927 this Spanish Baroque style theater has been wowing audiences of all sorts. They host events ranging from fashion shows to concerts and even awards shows. This past weekend, they played host to ECOLUXE’s pre-Oscars Luxury Lounge. The event featured fashion shows from emerging designers, beauty and wellness treatments, food, cocktails and some fun celebrity sightings.
Put on by Producer, Debby Durkin, the 18th annual ECOLUXE Luxury Lounge benefitted Marley’s Mutts and The Wild Beauty Foundation.
Celebrities in attendance included The Real Housewives of Orange County alums, Gretchen Rossi and Slade Smiley, Oppenheimer star Will Roberts, along with A-list Hollywood twins, actors and hosts, Gregory and Lawrence Zarian.
Guests enjoyed beauty treatments from REAVLU and Fountain of Uth (FOU), dined on the best chicken tenders ever (truly!) from Bangin’ Buns and chatted with author and soul teacher, Dr. Michelle Barr. There were fashion shows from designers Fayah Athletics & Streetwear and NYLA Couture. Opportunities to cuddle puppies and pet horses went well with custom cowboy hats from Glo Design Lab. There was even a chance to pretend to be a rockstar with Grzenia Guitars, and time to talk with the creative inventors of Spleash.
Photos provided by Sarah Meyer.
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